MUSE Massage Menu

Indulge in the transformative experience of our holistic massage suite, where a world of calming and extensive therapies awaits. Our meticulously curated massage menu is designed to indulge you like never before, offering a diverse range of treatments tailored to promote holistic, well-being and profound relaxation. From the soothing embrace of our Muse Menopause Therapeutic Flow to the invigorating strokes of our Manual Face Life or the ancient techniques of our Indian head Massage, not forgetting the timeless tranquillity of our Swedish Massage, each massage treatment is crafted to transport you to a realm of pure serenity, our offerings also include the gentle detoxification of our Manual Lymphatic Drainage, to the harmonising touch of our Thai Foot Massage or our targeted healing offerings Reiki Therapy and Guided Mediation. We promise you will be immersed in the art of self-care and total rejuvenation.

Massage Pricelist

30 mins


60 mins


90 mins
